How to loosen Tight Muscles around your Neck
How to loosen tight muscles around your neck
Cervical (neck) pain masquerading as migraine
I hope that everyone has been keeping safe and sound these past few months.
What a journey 2020 has been so far! Wishing you and your family all the best.
What a journey 2020 has been so far! Wishing you and your family all the best.
Many migraine sufferers also have tight neck joints and tight neck muscles that can masquerade as migraine.
Regarding this video. As a former physiotherapist, this was a tool I advised people to use twice a week to help combat chronic neck pain and also relieve eye pressure for migraine sufferers. Tightness in neck muscles can send pain signals all over your head and specifically into the eye region.
Throughout this video, you can see that she places the tennis ball quite high on the back of the upper head region known as the occipital region. The nerves that live here supply the eye region and with light to medium pressure applied can shoot a referral or signal to the eye.
This sign is a good sign as it allows you to understand where the pressure should be placed. I would do this once to twice a week, if it is quite sore then that is a positive indication that you know you need it, I'd allow 5 minutes to get through the back of the head properly.
As with any new behavior, always give it a few goes before you stop, Australians are very good at this

To learn more on how Magnesium can help migraine click RnA ReSet
Secondly, to learn more on Magnesium and holistic health click Cymbiotika
Thirdly, to learn more about water filtration please click Watersco
Fourthly, is an Australian blog