The Mountain Flow Protocol for the Win - How to stop migraine
Protocol overview:
Survey, form baseline
Drink only healthy filtered water, remove any tap water use
High dose magnesium
Moderate dose salt
This is the most important information to help you on your journey. You are most dehydrated in the morning, this is a vital time to hydrate your body. Please do this everyday for the rest of you life!
Please aim to drink out of glass only, no plastic/composites. The next best option down from glass is ceramics.
Parents please ensure children carry enough filtered water to last the day and are not drinking tap water from school.
Parents please ensure children carry enough filtered water to last the day and are not drinking tap water from school.
If you win the morning, there’s a good chance you’ll win the day. Adults, please take water with you everywhere, including cafes and restaurants. Low toxicity heavy metal build up and fluoride/chlorine over-exposure is what we are attempting to stop.
Morning mineral re-load
Every morning please make the below drink. This will be the first thing that enters your body each day. Please add to your glass; filtered water, fresh lime or lemon juice and minerals. Time to make drink is 60-90 seconds.
Minerals to use:
· organic pink Himalayan salt
· organic celtic sea salt
· organic new Zealand salt
· *do not use table salt (sodium chloride) with anything*
Mineral ratio per kg/bw. For example, if you weigh 60kgs, add 2.25grams of minerals to your drink
· 20kg .75 grams
· 30kg 1.125 grams
· 40kg 1.5 grams
· 50kg 1.875 grams
· 60kg 2.25 grams
· 70kg 2.625 grams
· 80kg +3 grams
· Adults: 400-500mls filtered (about 2 full glasses)
· Children: 250mls filtered (about 1 full glass)
· Organic lemon or lime, pick one and then rotate these after a little while
· Adults 1/2 squeezed
· Children 1/4 squeezed
Daily water consumption
Our general guideline for water consumption is .33 mls water per kg of bodyweight. For example if you weigh 70kg, then it is 70kg x .33ml = 2,310mls per day or 2.31 litres per day.
Please aim to drink water away from food. Water mixed with food dilutes nutrients and makes food harder to digest and absorb. If you need to wash down your food, please be mindful of how much you drink.
Magnesium re-load
· Magnesium Advanced, Fusion brand, 120 tablets. This is the brand we trust, we are in the process of formulating our own magnesium. Please break down the tablets as much as possible and always have magnesium tablets with food. When you eat, gastric and stomach acids used to break down food will assist in breaking down the tablets.
For the first two months
· Adults: 300mg twice a day, upon rising after breakfast, 300mg after dinner (1.5 tablets each serve)
· Children: one dose after dinner, 200 mls water, 5 table spoons of blueberry or fruits, 1.5 tablets
Thereafter/maintenance dose
· Adults: 200mg twice a day, upon rising after breakfast, 200mg after dinner (1 tablets each serve)
· Children: Children: one dose after dinner, 200 mls water, 5 table spoons of blueberry or fruits, 1.5 tablets
Migraine attack
400mg of magnesium immediately. And, whatever other medications that you know work for you.
Secondary behaviors
With each additional litre of water that you drink, add a small pinch of preferred salt to re-mineralise your water. Remember, it’s the large city water system that has denatured our water, it’s up to us to put back in what’s missing.
If you cook with salt, please use salt from the list, as this form of salt has the highest amount of trace minerals. Hint: when we heat water we cook out magnesium and calcium ions, always add your salt to your food at the dinner table after cooking.
If you cook with salt, please use salt from the list, as this form of salt has the highest amount of trace minerals. Hint: when we heat water we cook out magnesium and calcium ions, always add your salt to your food at the dinner table after cooking.
To learn more on how Magnesium can help migraine click RnA ReSet
Secondly, to learn more on Magnesium and holistic health click Cymbiotika
Thirdly, to learn more about water filtration please click Watersco
Fourthly, is an Australian blog